25 abr 2010

Thats mine! ¬¬

To many people what makes something yours is a paper that says so, i doesn´t matter who use it, it only matter who bought it or who found it. I think that at the end the paper doesn´t matter, because I can "own" a house but if I don´t live in it it´s not really mine, it belongs to the person that lives in it.
For example technically the chair where I seat everyday at highschool is from the fundation but I am the one who use it and I can say that it´s mine. Something is someone´s property because that person use it, even if tha law says something
different because most of the times tha law doesn´t work according to the reallity.
Of course it doen´n always works that way because tha law don´t let that happen, if I legally own an empty hause and someone want´s to live in it I can say I dont want that and let it be empty forever, but there are other laws that are not official, there are like natural laws that says that somethin is someones property because that person uses it. At the end there´s like no true definition to property, you can never really know who owns what because there are opposite forces that are controling that.

3 comentarios:

  1. I like what you put about the true definition, is a really good job!

  2. I liKe your post, and also i like your example of the chair.. it's a good post, really good post.

  3. is good and also better because of the example that you says !!!
